Perfect Temperature for Beers

Perfect Temperature for Beers

There are many beer fridges in the market and they all have varying temperature ranges. To know what beer fridge is right for you, it is important to first know what temperature is ideal for drinking beer? Generally speaking, the temperature for serving all drinks depend on their fermentation processes. Going by what the average is we advise you serve any bottom brews ice-cold and top brews at a moderate temperature. However, you may just go by what you feel is the right temperature for you.

Despite your personal preference, you should not ignore the fact the temperature plays a large role in enhancing the flavour of the different drinks. Below there is a guide to help you choose a beer fridge you feel would be useful to ensure you have the best experience when drinking your beer. 

Bulk-produced beers and pale lagers
These drinks are normally stored in beer fridges to remain chilled, preferably with a temperature of about 0°C – 4°C. You shall see that you will find it difficult to taste anything that is stored at the prescribed temperature range, this is because high temperatures can numb your sense of taste quite a lot. It is also recommended to serve any non-alcoholic beverages near to the freezing point. Only serve drinks ice-cold if you would not want to taste anything at all whilst drinking.

Drinks from Craft Breweries and Ciders
It is best to store these drinks in your beer fridges to insure you serve them at an ideal temperature of around 4°C – 7°C. At the temperature suggested, it is known that these are the best tasting. Craft brewery ciders are advised to be served at a lower temperature than traditional ciders, these ideally are to be drunk straight from a beer fridge as these cold drinks are known to be better enjoyed in the summer.

Reds, Ambers and Ales
The warmer the temperature of the beer the colour of the beer can change, Ales and beers that are normally red and amber colours have to be stored in beer fridges with a temperature of about 7°C – 11°C. These should not be served too cold incase they lose out on their essence, they should not be served to warm either as they could then just taste insipid. The normal temperature is best to enhance their flavour.

Ales and English Bitters
Beers move towards darker shades when the temperature rises, these are meant to be served at these kind of temperatures. Pale and brown ales as well as other opaques beers and English bitters are served best at a temperature of about 12°C – 14°C. These are best kept not in beer fridges but in cellars so you are able to enjoy them thoroughly. 

Dark Beers
This set of beers don’t require fridges in fact you can replace the fridges with cellars or cupboards, this includes dark beers such rich or imperial stout or barley wine. this is especially due to their taste that corresponds to flavours like chocolate, coffee or even honeycomb etc. Hot temperatures between 14°C – 16°C, are best to make the flavour stronger to make the drinking experience a lot better.

You may find that you have your own ways to make your drinks enjoyable but we strongly recommend you take out suggestions into consideration to insure you have the best drinking experience as possible.



Subcold offers various display glass door beer fridges in different styles and capacities. Subcold beer/drinks fridges are the only fridges in its class that can cool down to as low as 0°C. They are equipped with advanced compressor cooling technology with excellent energy efficiency. 

They are available in multiple styles including black, silver and stainless steel. Subcold beer fridges come with internal LED light, reversible glass door, adjustable feet and internal removable shelves for flexibility in storage. 

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